Tiruchirappalli has launched its 51st destination – Indigo. It’s India’s greatest and fastest growing minimal effort network which add two more sectors Trichy to Kochi and Bengaluru connecting Tiruchirappalli. This airline will be started soon a direct flight between Trichy to Kochi and Bengaluru. IndiGo with its seventh ATR will work for four non-stop flights from Chennai to Tiruchirappalli from June 01. Sanjay Kumar, Chief Commercial Officer, Indigo, displayed carrier’s development design amid a movement operator meet held in Tiruchirappalli. An IndiGo sorted out accomplice meet was gone to by city’s lofty travel specialists and corporates. The new flights are intended to take into account business and recreation explorers who are always vigilant for new and moderate flying choices. The presentation of these flights will additionally fortify aircraft’s ATR tasks and will give upgraded network amongst Chennai and Tiruchirappalli with comprehensive admissions beginning from INR 2299.

IndiGoExpounding on the new course development in south India, Kumar, stated, “Much the same as Coimbatore, Madurai, and Chennai – Tiruchirappalli is additionally a key market for IndiGo in Tamil Nadu. With rising business and tourism coming from the southern center points, IndiGo is resolved to give the best travel understanding to each one of the individuals who wish to travel to these goals. We are taking a gander at giving moderate charges on these new courses for 6E explorers. It is our consistent undertaking to give greater adaptability of a decision to our clients as IndiGo keeps on offering them on time, bother free and constantly moderate flying background.”